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Testimonials from Legacy Weight Loss clients

Sue's Story:

“I had battled my weight for 20 years after reaching middle-age and having three children. I watched a friend progress in her weight loss journey successfully with Ideal Protein and decided to try it myself. I can honestly say that it changed my life. When the promo said that it is the last diet you will ever go on, it is not just ‘hype’. I truly got my life back within 6 short months, losing 75 pounds and 35 inches.*  One of my goals was to no longer require medication for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I accomplished that goal within the first 3 months following the IP plan. A second goal was to feel good again and to walk without lower back and knee pain. This was fully accomplished within 4 months. Lastly, I needed to regain my energy levels and to walk without becoming short of breath. With weeks of starting the program my energy levels soared and I could move without shortness of breath.As a registered nurse and Chief Nursing Officer at a hospital, I have seen patients resort to bariatric surgery and other extreme measures to lose weight. These measures are irreversible and potentially dangerous! The IP diet is safe, medically sound, much less expensive than surgery, and it works.I have my life back as I approach 60 years of age. I feel better than I have in over a decade. I look great, but more importantly, I feel great. I encourage anyone with a weight problem to stop the yo yo dieting, the fad diets, and the contemplation of surgery. Give the IP program a try. I guarantee that within weeks you will feel better and you can accomplish your goals with very little hunger and without exercise. You, too, will find it is life-changing.”  ~Sue

Melissa's Story:

"My name is Melissa, and I’m thirty-something. I’m a physician by trade, a wife, and a mother to two very busy kids, ages 5 and 7. Like most people who have ever been “fluffy” like me, I’ve struggled with my weight as long as I can remember. I graduated high school in a size 18, then packed on the Freshman 50 in college. Through diet and exercise, I yo-yoed up and down between 175 and 225 pounds throughout my 20s. I was unhappy, and food was my closest friend most of the time.Through medical school, residency, marriage to a wonderful fella, and two pregnancies, I packed on another 100 pounds - topping out at 270. Even though I had a wonderful family, many dear friends, and a rewarding career, I was never truly comfortable with myself.


In my mid-30s, my weight was taking a toll on my body. Everything hurt. It was challenging to climb a single flight of stairs. By the end of the day, I could barely stand due to pain in my knees and ankles.I was on the verge of pursuing weight loss surgery, convinced it was the only way to lose the weight. Then a friend and fellow physician told me about Ideal Protein, and invited me to check it out. “Sure,” I thought… I’ll try just about anything.In my first 5 days on the plan, I lost 7 pounds. The next week, I lost 5 more. Within a month, I was down about 20 pounds.* People started to notice, and my clothes started to sag. For the first time in my life, I’d found something that really works! And it doesn’t require spending grueling hours in the gym.Let’s face it… we’re busy. That’s where Ideal Protein has been perfect for me. The meals are quick and easy, and there is very little planning involved. And an occasional walk or swim is all the exercise you need (although I’m now enjoying running and have completed several 5K races!"  ~Melissa



*Individual results while following the Legacy Weight Loss program will vary

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